Part 8: Becoming a Leader
- Chapter 25-Step 12
- Chapter 26-Shared Struggle
- Chapter 27-We Need More Leaders
Reflect on the following questions. If you prefer, you can include these in a knowledge café conversation (refer to Part 6 for tools).
- What are some struggles you have shared? How have those struggles shaped you as a leader?
- “What we need to do is redefine hardship for our modern age of abundance” (p. 210).
- What does this look like in schools? What struggle might you redefine? How are you “igniting the human spirit” by “offering a reason to grow?”
- What challenge in your school/district/organization outsizes the resources available, but not the intellectual capacity of the organization?
- Why do you come to work?
- What little things might you commit to doing daily for the good of others (and yourself)? (see James Clear, the amalgamation of 1 percent)