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As the year comes to a close and you review your successes and “wish I had a do-overs,” you may find these four leadership strategies adapted from...

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Use this framework as you set your school improvement goals and close the execution gap.

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Next to the teacher in the classroom, the principal has the most significant impact on student growth and development. How might you amplify...

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How can you grow professionally in your leadership journey? This article from Principal Magazine can help guide you as you wrap up the year and look...

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The end of the year often coincides with the gathering of feedback (either solicited or unsolicited). Sometimes, that feedback can be tough to take....

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This recent Kappan article speaks to the value of nourishing the AP/principal relationship and offers practices across three key domains to help you...

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These lists are intended as a guide—we encourage you to process in your mentor-mentee team to identify other items that may need your...

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Let these four lessons guide your summer plans to uplevel the quality of your leadership-life fit. In this article from Inc., Warren Buffett, Steve...

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I asked three AI tools to provide insight regarding what’s most important this last month of school. All three produced very similar results! See...

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The Iowa Department of Education provides districts complimentary access to near real time trends and early warning indicators critical to the...

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Be intentional about building your identity as an instructional leader. These strategies can help.

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Consider these tips for narrowing your work with the teachers you serve.

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